Blog - Oktoberfest 2015

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Oktoberfest 2015


Image Credit: LenDog64

The first Oktoberfest was held in the year 1810 in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig's marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festivities began on 12th October, 1810 and ended on 17th October with a horse race. In the following years, the celebrations were repeated and, later, the festival was prolonged and brought forward into September to enjoy the better weather. This year’s Oktoberfest will take place in Munich from 19th September to 4th October.

The locals of Munich fondly refer to Oktoberfest as "die Wiesn" because of its location, Theresienwiese, which was named after Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.

Whilst the first thing that springs to mind is beer, and lots of it, Oktoberfest has plenty more to offer.

Fun and Fear

Fun and Fear

Image Credit: Andrew Moore

The new “Daemonium” features a scary walk over four levels of the “Road to the Unknown”. The Konga is Europe's biggest and fastest swing, featuring a high-speed flight over a jungle. The Tower Event Centre, "the world's highest transportable skyscraper", offers new attractions like the Sky Drive, an elevated rollerskate park. At the Oide Wiesn, the "Original Motodrom" features fearless motorcycle riders showing off their amazing skills.

Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Image Credit: 5chw4r7z

The "Goldener Hahn" will be serving all kinds of poultry dishes from chicken to duck. Sausages and lots of other meaty treats will be found at the new "Zum Gaumenschmaus" and "Zur Räuberpfanne", while the Oide Wiesn goes back to the fifties with a range of vintage ice-creams. More sweetie treats can be found at the "Mandelturm" and the "Schokoladenfabrik", where guests can watch how the delicious sweets are prepared. If you’re after a custom-made gingerbread heart, "Michaela's Herzlmalerei" is the perfect place.

Food and Drink

Image Credit: JasonParis



Image Credit: Heribert Pohl

The main highlight of the Wiesn events and an important must-see is the Oktoberfest Costume and Riflemen’s Parade. The parade happens every year on the first Wiesn Sunday.

Other important events are the Parade of Oktoberfest Landlords and Breweries, the Official Tapping of the Keg, the Oktoberfest Mass , "Böllerschießen" (handheld canon salute) in front of the Bavaria statue and - this year- an agricultural festival.



Image Credit: digital cat

The music at Oktoberfest is mainly from traditional brass bands. Each beer tent will feature its own band. Early arrival is recommended as the tents fill up very quickly!

Title Image Credit: Graphic design 4ustudio (Image Cropped)

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