Blog - The Complete Business Travel Checklist

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The Complete Business Travel Checklist

No matter how prepared, you’re no doubt familiar with the feeling of panic when you arrive at your hotel for an important business trip, only to discover you’ve forgotten your laptop charger or some other essential. 

Stressed already, the sense of panic threatens to overwhelm you. It’s the last thing you need the evening before a ‘make-or-break’ client meeting.

To help avoid this very scenario, we’ve put together an essentials checklist for business travel:

  • Passport (if travelling internationally).
  • Other travel documents including flight tickets, hotel reservation confirmations and travel insurance details.
  • Your technology and gadgets including; phone, laptop, chargers, travel adaptors and earbuds.
  • Professional clothing suitable for meetings, dinners, or other occasions that your trip may entail.
  • Lounge and nightwear for the moments you can relax in your hotel room.
  • Work-out clothes, providing you get time to visit the gym or go for a run.
  • Toiletries and medications including your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, perfume or aftershave, razor, shaving cream, moisturiser, makeup, sun cream, and any medications you may need.
  • Arrange transport to and from the airport, as well as for meetings and for any other commitments during the trip.
  • Business cards and contact information for the people you plan to meet with, along with a list of emergency contacts.

Safe travels and good luck with that meeting, we know it will go well. 

Ready to get a step ahead? 

Book your airport transfers online now

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