Blog - The ethical way to observe our great creatures

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The ethical way to observe our great creatures

Pictures of people cuddling sedated tigers posted on social media are enough to make the mildest-mannered of people scream with rage. From Thailand to Tanzania, wild animals are often kept in captivity for entertainment purposes. Some are beaten, some go insane from living in confined quarters. However, it is possible to see the globe's most magnificent animals without fueling their maltreatment. Here's how:

Whale Sharks

Despite growing up to 12m in length, whale sharks are the gentle giants of the ocean. They have no teeth - they only eat krill. The Philippines is one of the most popular places in the world to swim with whale sharks. Unfortunately, in the town of Oslob, whale shark viewings have got out of hand.

Dozens of boats flock around the whale sharks each day. Their natural feeding patterns are disrupted by fishermen throwing krill into the water to attract them for the benefit of tourists. The problem here is that the whale sharks can get too close to boats and be injured by the propellers.

Just around the corner however, on the island of Luzon, there is the Donsol Community-Based Whale Shark Ecotourism Program. These whale sharks are studied and protected by the local people. No more than six swimmers are allowed to hover around a shark. Furthermore, only a limited number of boats can be in the area and no one is allowed to feed the creatures. Lots of the local employees are Donsol residents who used to engage in unethical fishing practices but now work to protect these beautiful creatures.


Riding elephants in Thailand is a huge tourist attraction. However, more than half of the country's elephants are held in captivity.

Elephants are highly intelligent creatures, having the largest brains of any land animal. They have strong family bonds and experience emotions such as joy, love and grief. However, in Thailand, many elephants are beaten, stabbed with bull-hooks and kept in terrible conditions, simply because they are used for entertainment. If you want to get close to an elephant in Thailand, ignore the touts. Instead, head for the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary. They rescue sick, injured and tired elephants, giving them food and shelter in a natural forest environment.


To our shame, there are only around 3,900 tigers left in the wild, according to the WWF. They mostly live in India, Indonesia and Russia. The Ranthambore National Park in India is one of the best places in the world to see tigers in the wild.

Once the private hunting ground for the kings of Jaipur, it is now a refuge for rare Bengal tigers. Unlike some places in south-east Asia where caged tigers are drugged and chained so visitors can take photos with them, these tigers roam free. Visitors can observe them from a 20-seat van tour of the national park.


While many of us would love to swim alongside dolphins, it's actually an incredibly rare experience. Dolphins are intelligent, sociable animals but they don't like to be disturbed in their natural habitats.

Luckily, there are plenty of responsible tour operators that will take you to see dolphins in the wild on a boat trip, like those recommended by Whale Sense. However, most won't allow you to swim in the water with the dolphins, for obvious safety reasons. Remember: Never visit a marine park where dolphins are kept in captivity and exploited for entertainment.


Sumatra and Borneo have long been home to wild orangutans. These beautiful animals live in rainforests that are ruthlessly being destroyed by logging, fires and the production of palm oil.

A hundred years ago, there were over 300,000 wild orangutans in these countries. Now, just 20 per cent remain. The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation has rescued over 2,200 orangutans since 1991 who have been driven out of their natural habitat and captured for illegal public performance. At the BOSF, you can observe these animals and learn more about humans’ close connection with these apes.

Title Image Credit: Brian Lauer (Image Cropped)

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