Blog - Top Travel Tech of 2015

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Top Travel Tech of 2015

When travelling abroad, bag space is always at a premium. So if you’re going give a gadget a coveted spot in your carry-on, it’s important to ensure that your piece of travel tech isn’t a waste of space.

To make sure that you don’t pack any technology turkeys on your next getaway, here’s a run-down of the top travel gadgets of 2015.

Luggage Tracker

If you’ve ever had your bag misplaced by an airline, hotel or cab company, you’ll know just how much of a headache getting it back can be.

To save yourself the hassle, why not invest in your very own luggage tracker? There are various versions available online like the Trakdot and LugLoc, but essentially they all do the same thing: follow your bag wherever it goes.

Simply place the device in your luggage, activate the user interface and you’re ready to go. You’ll be able to watch as your bag travels through the airport, is loaded onto the plane and makes its way to you along the conveyer belt at the other end. If your bag is lost en route, you should be able to track it down and get it back in no time.

Sound Cancelling Headphones

It’s no secret that travelling can be noisy. Between the crowds, the cars, the trains and the planes, it can be difficult to concentrate on what you’re doing and enjoy the journey.

Sound cancelling headphones will instantly remove all irritating background noise, allowing you to enjoy your music, audio book or relaxing jungle noise soundtrack. Bose offer some of the most effective headphones, though there are some cheaper versions available that work almost as well.

Translation Apps

The language barrier can be difficult to get over when you’re travelling in a foreign country, especially if you’re in a particularly remote or rural area. To save you from acting out every question or query, invest in a translation app and let the internet do the work for you.

There are various options available, though Google Translate is the most popular. Now available for download, the app allows you to talk straight into your phone before translating the word or phrase for your partner to see. Offline packages are available, so you won’t be left high and dry when travelling off the beaten track.

Tablet Computer with Keyboard

If you’re planning to work, surf the web, watch TV and stay in touch with home while you’re away, a tablet computer with Bluetooth keyboard is a must-pack.

Most tablets offer long battery lives, ensuring that there will be plenty of juice in your device to see you through those long bus journeys, delays and plane rides. When connected to a keyboard, advanced tablets, like the Microsoft Surface, offer a huge amount of flexibility, allowing travellers to work or surf with ease.

Power Card

There’s nothing worse than your smartphone running out of battery just when you need it most. Whether you’re taking a shot of a spectacular sunrise, you’re stuck at the side of the road with a broken down hire car or you’ve just missed the last train home and need to call a cab, having a power card handy could save your bacon.

Similar in size to a standard credit card, these useful gadgets give you enough power to charge your phone or tablet computer when you’re out and about.

Smart Watch

A fantastic way to stay in touch with the outside world while you’re on the move, smart watches can do everything from display emails to take calls.

If you don’t want to get your phone out or just want to make sure that you stay on top of emails and news from back home, a smart watch is an essential accessory for your next trip.

Camp Stove USB Charger

For those who like the great outdoors to come with a power point, this innovative gadget is ideal. Allowing you to charge your phone and cook your dinner at the same time, the BioLite camp stove is powered by heat generated by burning sticks in its combustion chamber. The heat is used to cook your food while some is converted into electricity and used to charge your devices.

With so many exciting, inventive and innovative gadgets on the market, today’s travellers are spoiled for choice. To make sure that your camping trip, round the world adventure or luxurious city break is just right, invest in a few of these terrific tech gadgets and make your next trip one to remember.

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